This house was designed for the busy city of Tokyo. While designing the house there were several building restrictions that had to be taken in account. The basics of the building: 5.5 x 5.5m2, and the maximum height of 14m.
On the photo above, the red-marked line indicates the walking route. This route is a rotation around the house when seen from above. The red marked line is a concept used at many houses along the countryside of Japan.
This walking route can also be referred as ‘rhythm of the day’. Following this route leads you to every room of the house. Each floor has its own function. All of this can be discovered by following the route, or just wondering through the house.
The designed house is, as many other buildings in Tokyo, influenced by the busy state of the city. External influences can be found in the design. On the right side there is a gap where another building crashed into the designed house. On the walking route there is a glass bridge taking you through the gap, it expose you to the chaos in this city.